Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Assessment Of mice and men Essay Example for Free

Assessment Of mice and men Essay Of mice and men is a novel by john Steinbeck about two migrant agricultural labourers George Milton and Lennie Small. At the outstart they are working at a ranch in northern California. The ranch is a microcosm of the macrocosm that was in America at that time in 1939. During this period of failed businesses, harsh poverty, and long-term unemployment, we see how people attempted to survive on the ranch. In this essay I am going to clarify how Steinbeck presents the theme of discrimination in chapter 3. Discrimination seems particularly unpleasant on the ranch because there are lonely, isolated characters, who looking are for friends and an escape from solitariness. In chapter 3 we see discrimination in the form of racism, ageism and sexism. The victims of discrimination in this novel are: Crooks, a black stable buck; Curleys Wife, the farm owners neglected daughter-in-law; and Candy, an old, disabled housekeeper. Crooks, is terribly discriminated against because of his natural skin colour, which he has no choice to change it. Spose you couldnt go into the bunk house and play rummy cause you was black this illustrates that the migrants on the ranch discriminate against him by having him left out of the gang. Furthermore he lives in a little shack on his own. They dont treat him equally; in fact it almost feels like as if they dont see him as human being. They dont care about his feelings and emotions; nevertheless this isolation has consequently affected his mental and physical well being. Crooks is not allowed to enter the Bunk house, whereas Candys dog can. Therefore clearly this shows that they treat animals better than him. Although the dog has someone that looks out for him, crooks has no one except his books. Despite him believing that Books aint no good. Crooks had a bright childhood where he could play with white children and socialise with them, but this discrimination against him has affected him deeply. He never accepted this way of life unlike other slaves of his time, I got a right to have a light this shows that he is aware of his rights, even when he is having a simple conversation with mentally ill Lennie, who has no idea about rights not even his. Evidently this discrimination made crooks desperate for a companionship, A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody this demonstrates that crooks has gone to the point where he is dying for a shoulder to cry on, even Lennie with a childlike brain. Dont make no difference who the guy is, longs hes with you, This implies that he doesnt care if the friend is white or black, furthermore it shows that crooks is not racist. He plays horseshoes all day as an attempt to be liked and be accepted for what he is. Similarly Candy is discriminated against because of his age. As they know that he hasnt got the physical strength to defend himself or his dog, they take advantage of him and forced him to allow his only friend to be killed. Steinbeck used this to clarify that within the society the powerful ones rule the helpless and no matter what we do there will always be evil around us. Whynt you get candy to shoot his dog. This makes candy think that this could be the prospect for him when he gets useless. It drove him to the desperation point of putting his life saving into the hands of complete strangers wanting to escape from the same ending as his beloved dog. The men on the ranch describe the dog as a stinking hound and an old bastard. Candy feels dejected as he says I wish somebody would shoot me when I become useless. He feels left out and not respected because of his age as they killed his only friend, he feels that he doesnt wish to live without his precious dog anymore. Candy, a lost old man, hes missing a hand and his most reliable and trust worthy companion. i lost my hand my hand right here on this ranch, thats why they gave me a job swampin' this worries candy that he will get fired soon because if he can no longer work he will be dispensable. Steinbeck used this character because the older generation would relate to him. Curleys wife is the only women on the ranch. Everybody makes fun of her; they dont talk to her as a friend because shes a woman. Aint I got a right to talk to nobody? Whatta they think I am anyways?.This quotation shows that she is quarantined from the other migrants just like crooks and candy they are all isolated characters. The men on the ranch dont give a chance to get to know her personally, they just labelled her a trouble maker, and being Curleys wife doesnt do her any favour. As we never hear her real name in the book it shows how belittled she is, she is seen as a property of Curleys. Steinbeck did this because back in those days men were dominant and women were just seen as house wives. The men on the ranch act on their prejudice calling her nasty names such as a rattrap, jailbait, and tart. Due to this she feels alone and discriminated against, because she is only seeking for attention to make friends, shes is not what they describe to be. Curleys wife is desperate for a companion just like candy and Crooks; she wants someone to listen to her because Curley is never around, he never gives her the attention she needs, I dont like Curley, he aint a nice fella, clearly shows that she isnt happy, she feels trapped and lonely. Due to this she wonders around the ranch looking something to do, someone to talk to. Overall in conclusion Steinbeck carefully used these types of characters, because they each represent different society at that time of the book. Racism was very high and discrimination against women and the elderly were very common. I think the novel has relevance in our culture; it portrays the issues of discrimination and racism. I think Steinbeck wrote this book to show the world that within our society we have a disgusting habit of making other feel down.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Rosa Parks Essay -- Rosa Park Biography Biographies Bio Essays

Rosa Parks One of the most influential and inspirational women of all time was Rosa Parks. By one action she helped change the lives of a majority of African Americans and more importantly society as a whole. Rosa Parks sparked the attention of America when she refused to settle for the black (lower class)standards. Not only did she help change the lives for many African Americans but she helped equality for all men and women in the United States. By one brave women our world will be forever thankful. Rosa Parks was raised in her Grandparents house in pine level, Montgomery County, in Alabama. Her Mother's name was Leona Edwards and her father James McCauley was a carpenter. On February 4, 1913 Rosa was born, ya year after her parents were married. At around the age of two her father took off North looking for a better like. As a child Rosa and her brother grew up with segregation and such societies as the Ku Klux Klan. Her grandfather would often sleep with a rifle by his side due to the unsafe environment. By the time Rosa Parks went to school she began to feel unhappy about the society she was living in. She soon noticed the segregation of their society when she saw the empty and little school for blacks compared to the glamorous and bih school the whites had. At that point on in Rosa's life she decided she was going to be a person with dignity and self-respect. She promised herself she would never set her dreams lower than anyone else in the world simply because she was b lack. She wanted a change and was determined to make it happen. At age nineteen Rosa married a man named Raymond Park, who died of cancer in 1977 after a close fifty years of marriage. When Raymond was living he had always influenced her to become more active in civil rights among blacks. Her hopes for a better future were just beginning. By 1945 Rosa was a leader in the Montgomery Voters League and the secretary of the Nationals Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). One evening in early December 1955 Rosa was sitting inthe front seat of the colored section of the bus on her way home. It was like almost every day all the blacks would sit in the white section of the bus and as soon as the whites filled in the blacks would routinely move to the back. In an instance Rosa found her chance of freedom. Somehow she had changed the laws. She w... ... had no knowledge of what was going on or where they were going. It was outright not fair and morally wrong. Onthese ships the living conditions were very harmful to their lives. They received barley any food and the floor to sleep on at nights. Of the few that would survive the long journey once they arrived in Europe they would be auctioned off the Americans or people to do what they desire with them. From that day on African AMericans were viewed as the whites toys and games. Rosa PArks had the courage to finally begin to put a stop to this and she will be well resprected for all her life. Today, Rosa Parks tried to use her negative memories of segregation and racism to continue her goal towards complete justice, freedom, and equality. She believes that the children are future of the world and hope that they will fulfill the dreams of society in the future. Rosa Parks was a true role model to our nation and granted the dreams and wishes of many African Americans. Her words and actions pertaining to the struggle for desegregation continue to ring like church bells today. This bell rings throughout the world for all to hear, and millions of people follow the beat.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Macbeth in context Essay

Macbeth is a five act tragic play, which was written by William Shakespeare for King James I in1607. It took the world by storm and today it is one of the best known tragedies available. Since it is so worthy of praise, in this essay, I am going to do a character analysis of Macbeth, the protagonist in this play. I will be evaluating how Macbeth’s ambition and determination to be king, eventually drags him to his downfall. Despite, he is the hero the main character; Macbeth is not introduced in the first two scenes. As William Shakespeare uses this as a theatrical device to create suspense and arouse curiosity in the audience. He does this by introducing other characters in these two scenes always speak about Macbeth. For example, one of the witches says, ‘There to meet with Macbeth’. This makes the audience curious about what they are going to do to him. Furthermore they make the King and bleeding sergeant speak of his bravery and skill, making him liked already. The dramatist Shakespeare additionally uses mythological language to glorify Macbeth. For instance the Bleeding Sergeant describes Macbeth by calling him ‘Valour’s minion’ and ‘Bellona’s bride groom’. Since Bellona is the Roman Goddess of war, Shakespeare is saying that Macbeth is a lover of war and is therefore a good soldier. Valour is courage and by calling him ‘Valour’s minion’ he shows that he is fearless and courageous. The hero, Macbeth, was a victim of circumstance. He is firstly influenced by the three witches in act one scene three. They convince Macbeth that he has the right traits to become a king. This is exceedingly significant as this sets the path for Macbeth’s downfall. Another main influence on Macbeth is none other than his dearly love Lady Macbeth. She does this by questioning his manhood in act one scene seven, ‘and lives a coward in thine own esteem’. Moreover when Macbeth asks her to do it, she convinces him to murder King Duncan by saying why she cannot do it as he reminds her of her own father. During times that the play Macbeth was written, the king was considered a delegate of God. The point that Shakespeare uses King Duncan as a theatrical device is worthy of note. King Duncan description of Macbeth, before his introduction, as, ‘worthy gentleman’ and ‘valiant cousin’, shows that even God is on his side. Getting praise from a demi-god shows the importance of Macbeth in that society and he may even be a role model for people at that time. One main character in the play that shows Macbeth’s real personality is Lady Macbeth. The first time in the play that she does this is when she receives his letter, ‘Tis too full of the milk of human kindnesses. By doing this she shows that under all the heroic traits he is also kind and gentle. So, the audience feel even more amazed at him. Being his closest person, she always knows how to instigate him to do something. She shows this when she convinces him to kill King Duncan. Although this may seem to some people like she is the vamp in play, she is in fact only thinking for the betterment of her husband. This shows she is a loyal wife and thus shows how worthy Macbeth would have to be to get such a devoted partner. As every tragic hero, Macbeth has one human flaw, which in his case is his vaulting ambition. This shows that every person has a flaw, even a hero. For, if it was not for his ambition to be king, then none of the tragedies would have occurred. This gives the audience the moral lesson, which is that too much ambition can in turn harm a person rather than benefit them, but the right amount is good as was shown before when Macbeth was considered good. Even though Macbeth is considered a villain by the audience towards the end of the play, he redeems his honour and pride when he goes to fight, He still dies a hero. His redemption starts when he calls for his armour and says, ‘At least we shall die with our harness on our backs’. The point that even when all odds are against him, he still acts like a true soldier by trying to fight of the army, which is obviously worthy of praise. It is also worthy to note that at this point in time, when he is near his death, he begins to repent for all he has done, and this means that the audience now feels sorry for him and this is how he regained their respect. To conclude, my analysis, I would to praise William Shakespeare for his fine use of descriptive language and theatrical devices, which are expertly thought out to please the audience at the time, and also to glorify his hero, even on his death.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Satire Essay - 1434 Words

Satire is a great tool used by many writers and actors since ancient times. The earliest example that we know about is a script from 2nd millennium BC in Ancient Egypt (Definition: Satire) and since then has evolved into a great part of our society. Satire is used to point out the faults of human vice in order for change and reform in either of two ways. There is a very bitter Juvenalian or a mild and light Horatian. In order to fully understand these forms of satire, method, purpose, and applications will be addressed. The best ways to present satire is either through incongruity, parody, reversals, or exaggeration. When a writer presents incongruity, there are elements that are out of place, and they shouldn’t be there. This not†¦show more content†¦For this reason, satire offends very few people, but still inspires that important change. Whatever form satire takes is how this will be accomplished. If it is Juvenalian, it is done with indignation and harshness. This tone is somewhat dark and makes inspires change though a form of resentment. This is usually more successful than the other because anger causes action. The other form is Horatian, and is the amused and witty form of satire. It is presented as mockery, but never to insult or offend anyone. This is just to show the faults of something and make people realize why they are wrong. Both encourage change, and both are important. Arguably, one of the most successful Juvenalian satires ever written is â€Å"A Modest Proposal† by Jonathan Swift. Swift satirizes many things in the essay, with the most prevalent being the way that England treats Ireland. Many of the inhabitants living there were poverty stricken and starving to death. Swift then presents his plan to sell the children for food and that way they could earn a little bit of cash. He says, â€Å"I have been assured by a very knowing American †¦ that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food† (Jonathan Swift). This is a very strong incongruity because eating babies isn’t somethingShow MoreRelatedSatire : Satire And Satire1498 Words   |  6 Pagesmost likely expresses itself in satire. Satire, as defined by Google is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary p olitics and other topical issues. It seems to be especially prevalent in the current climate of America, from South Park to the Onion one never has to go far to get entertaining commentary on the social or political happenings of the day. Satire is not a new literary device andRead More Satire2542 Words   |  11 Pagesâ€Å"Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own† (Swift). Such beholders, as Jonathan Swift astutely emphasizes, are intended, through guidance of satiric narrative, to recognize social or political plights. In some satires, as in Swift’s own A Modest Proposal, the use of absurd, blatant exaggeration is intended to capture an indolent audience’s attention regarding the social state of the poor. Yet even in such a direct satire, there exists anotherRead MoreSatire : The Fundamental Function Of Satire1644 Words   |  7 Pagesin particular, slapstick comedy. Satire is a technique empl oyed by writers and comedians alike to expose and criticise corruption and shortcomings of an individual or a society by using humour, irony and/or exaggeration. Ultimately, the writer feels obliged to expose these vices to for the betterment of humanity. The fundamental function of satire is to warn the public about prevailing corruption and disorder within a society. [1] Furthermore, the sub-genre of satire has become an underlying part ofRead MoreSatire : Humor And Satire2675 Words   |  11 PagesHumour and satire are two concepts that are both wide ranging and diverse, from dark, to light hearted, with each producing a different effect. Humour in the main, is something that is used to please the audience, its function is to invoke laughter amongst its audience. Satire is used to create a comical critical view of the subject at hand, this can range from a light hearted comical way, to a judgemental way, with each style giving the text a different meaning, however this does not mean that satireRead MoreSatire As A Popular Form Of Satire1251 Words   |  6 PagesWhen one types satire in their search bar, the definition found is, â€Å"Satire is defined as the use of the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.† Political satire is a very popular form of satire, it’s used as a way to gain entertainment from politics, a way to voice opinions in a comedic biting style, and to further arguments in a way that others can’t. PoliticalRead More SATIRE ESSAY1116 Words   |  5 PagesSATIRE ESSAY Good evening and welcome to another edition of the BBC satire documentary series. Today we will be analyzing the battleground of satirical poetry, examining two well-known satirical poems called Life-Cycle by Bruce Dawe and Hymn Of The Scientific Farmer by Clive Sansom. But first, lets look at what a satire is and how the victorious poet annihilates the foe of a satire. According to the ancient Macquarie Dictionary, a satire is a term applied to any work of literatureRead MoreSatire Essay1198 Words   |  5 Pagesthese questions? The answer is satire. Satire is a form of criticism that can be used in many ways and in many different situations. Sometimes satire is easy to spot, other times it may be incognito. Satire is commonly found in literary works, movies, cartoons, and even some news casts. The formal definition of satire is the use of humor to expose human follies. (Dictionary.com). Satire is mostly written because a certain issue bothered the author. Through satire, these issues are brought intoRead MoreSatire : The Princess Bride956 Words   |  4 Pagesissues that not related to anything funny at all. Satire, is mostly seen associated with comedies and comedians were they express their selves using irony or a lot of ridicule to show people stupidity. In my thesis essay, I want to show the reader that I have a full concept of what the essay is about while showing how satire is used in the topic I chose. In William Goldman’s novel, a comedy entitled â€Å"The Princess Bride†. There is a lot of satire that is paraphrased in the book. The book focusesRead MoreSatire In Gullivers Travels1455 Words   |  6 Pagesof these elements that writers use is called â€Å"satire.† This element is used to make fun of something that the author disapproves of in a comical but hidden way. Widely considered as one of the greatest satirists to ever live, Jonathan Swift used satire in his works to express his disgust in society and the British Monarchy during the 18th century. One of the greatest satires ever written by Swift was Gulliver’s Travels. In Gulliver’s Travels, satire is evident through Gulliver’s voyage to LilliputRead MoreSatire in the Tragedies of Euripides1443 Words   |  6 Pagesable to insert in his tragedies the ideas of satire that would allow the audience to think, but not overtly counter their established beliefs. The brand of satire used by Euripides can be defined as exposing contradictions and problems. This type of satire is not obligated to solve the contradictions and problems, but rather to just expose them. For the most part, the playwright Aristophanes is best known for this use of satire, but this type of satire, as used by Aristophanes, was mostly political